I've had issues with my skin lately. I admit this freely even though the social media world we live in is abundant in pictures of perfectly sculpted women with perfectly smooth skin. I want to show what real skin is, and that you can, no matter what your skin condition is, work on it and improve it.
My skin journey spans years and years (I had good skin as a teenager but it seemed like the minute I hit 20, everything my teenage self managed to keep at bay came hurtling through the gates with a vengeance) and I thought I had finally managed to get my skin under control and in a good place, when I had a really bad skin reaction and everything just went right back to square one. You can watch the entire thing happen here in my IG Highlights. I went from (relatively) smooth, glowing skin to pimples, milia, oil seeds, and angry, painful, CYSTIC acne.
In my effort to fix my skin, I asked for help, researched skincare, and tried to put it out there in the universe (you know, so I could manifest my perfect skin thoughts into actual, perfect skin).
I kind of think the Universe heard me, because I was contacted by Dr Jessie from Kaiteki Skin Aesthetic Laser in SS2, and she was exactly what I needed!

When I stepped into Kaiteki, it felt like stepping into a medispa - which is the exactly the kind of environment Kaiteki is looking to create for its customers. After a quick consultation, I was ushered into a waiting area for just me, and presented with clean robes, a mask and a disposable hairnet. By the way, I feel it's worth mentioning that all nurses and doctors are fully masked, plus treatment is done by a technician in full PPE.

My waiting and changing room. Private and clean.
Dr Jessie was very thorough with her consultation and determined my concerns both by what I highlighted and what she saw (which I loved, because so many times doctors can get so caught up with what they see and not give you time to really flesh out what your concerns are). Dr Jessie suggested a treatment plan that would deal with all my issues in the appropriate order (so certain issues like my acne would not affect/be affected by other treatments). We started off with the Kaiteki® Signature Facial Laser, which includes
Purifying Facial that includes suction of blackheads & whiteheads
Manual gentle extraction
Infusion of growth factors for long lasting hydration
ProYellow laser for deep exfoliation & brightening
Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin C Clinical Mask
Face & Shoulder Massage
The facial felt so good! It features suction with a sort of infusion of liquid, and it feels refreshing on the skin.

The yellow laser came next - this I was very excited about! It is meant to brighten your skin (and reduce some acne marks and redness), and prevent further breakouts by exfoliating, reducing sebum, and killing acne-causing bacteria.

After my mask, I was treated to a face, back and neck massage, and came out with glowy, radiant skin.

A quick photo with Dr Jessie from Kaiteki Skin Aesthetic Laser after my treatment.
Dr Jessie said I would be able to see the results of the laser in a few days, and boy did I! Here's my before (above) and after (below). My acne scars/marks are so much lighter, my skin is clearer (and slightly less oily), and some of my acne has disappeared!
If you're keen on trying these treatments out for yourself, here is the information you'll need:
B-1-03, The Hub ss2, 19 Sentral, Jalan Harapan,
Seksyen 19, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor